Gillingham St Michael’s Primary Received Good Ofsted
April 29, 2024

Gillingham St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, part of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT), has received an overall effectiveness ‘good’ rating.
The school which has 60 pupils from ages four to 11 received an impromptu two-day onsite inspector visit carried out on 5th and 6th March 2024. This was the first routine inspection the school received since the COVID-19 pandemic began and the inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with the school and have taken that into account in their evaluation of the school.
The glowing report considers the overall effectiveness, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and management, personal development and the early years provision to be ‘good.’
Highlights from the inspector’s report includes that the school has ensured that the curriculum caters well for mixed-age group teaching and leaders have carefully planned what pupils should learn and the teachers are knowledgeable and provide clear explanations that equip pupils with the understanding they need.
The inspector noted that ‘the trust has ensured that its systems for governance and school improvement all connect. This means that the school is challenged and supported effectively. The school works together with other smaller schools in the trust. This provides staff with many opportunities to collaborate, develop professionally and share practice, which they value highly. This also supports their workload and well-being, of which leaders are continually mindful.’
Mrs Heather Brand, Executive Headteacher of Gillingham St Michael’s Church of England Primary School said: “We are very pleased that over the two days the inspectors were able to see what a happy, flourishing and successful school Gillingham St Michael’s is. We are extremely proud of our school community and we will continue to work hard to ensure that all our children will shine.”
Oliver Burwood, CEO of Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust said: “We are so proud of Heather and the whole team at Gillingham. They are part of a growing and successful federation of three schools. It is clear that the work they are doing together is effective and has an excellent impact on children at the school.”
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