Trust Structure & Governance
DNEAT is a Multi Academy Trust and therefore the responsibility for governance rests with the Members and the Trust Board. The Members are responsible for appointing Trustees, and they hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust. The Trustees have a broad range of skills and experience from both the education and business worlds.
The board has three sub-committees whose role is to scrutinise the work of the Trust and hold DNEAT officers to account in accordance with the Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation (individual Schemes of Delegation can be viewed via the Local Governing Bodies page):
- Finance, Audit and Resources Committee (FARC)
- Pay Review Committee
- Standards and Strategic Development Committee (SSDC)
All sub-committees report back to Trustees at each Board Meeting.
In addition, two DNEAT Trustees represent the Trust on the Joint Policy Development Committee which develops and reviews policies for DNEAT, St Benet’s MAT and DoNESC (Diocese of Norwich Education Services Company).
The academies within the Trust are split into three geographical regions – East, South-West and West. Each region is allocated an Academies Group Executive Principal (AGEP) whose role is to provide support and challenge to the headteachers in their area. This is carried out via a regular schedule of visits to the academies. The AGEP also facilitates within their region meetings of the Headteachers’ Regional Alliance which allows for collaborative working across the region.
In the second part of each term, an Academy Improvement Review meeting is held with each headteacher and their Chair of Governors. These meetings are held at the academy and are attended by the relevant AGEP, the Deputy CEO and for some meetings, one of the Trustees assigned to the region by the SSDC. The purpose of this meeting is to review the progress the academy has made since the last meeting, consider aids and barriers to further improvement, agree the academy risk rating, discuss the effectiveness of the Local Governing Body (LGB) and review Scheme of Delegation responsibilities. This meeting is formally minuted and the Minutes are made available to the Headteacher, Chair and the SSDC to assist in the flow of information between Trust Board and LGB.
Local governance at academy level is conducted via a Local Governing Body which comprises Trust Appointed Governors, Parent Governors, a Staff Governor and the Headteacher. Responsibilities from the Trust Board are delegated via a Scheme of Delegation which is reviewed on an annual basis. An outcome of the termly Academy Improvement Review meeting is a grading of the academy and this grading may inform the level of delegation. The LGB is expected to meet in full on a half-termly basis. The Chairs meets on a regular basis with the Trust via the Academy Improvement Review Meetings and the termly Chairs and Heads Forums.
The Trust provides guidance and support to the LGBs through the provision of draft agendas, supporting documents, quality assurance visits and in-house training for governors and clerks. In addition, as part of the Trust’s ongoing commitment to ensure that governance is well informed at all levels, access to the Modern Governor online training facility is provided to all Trustees, Local Governors and Clerks.
Board and Local Governing Body Diversity
Our trustees and governors are volunteers and providing diversity information is also voluntary at the point of application. In April 2024 our governing community (Trust Board and Local Governing Bodies) had provided the following information.
18-30: 6%
31 – 45 : 31 %
46 – 60 : 25%
61 and over : 22%
Female : 43%
Male : 30%
Religion or Belief
Christian : 61%
No religion or belief : 11%
We also collect data on ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation but have chosen not to publish data in these areas at present.