New Sign Unveiling at Stibbard
December 13, 2024

On Friday 18th October children from Stibbard All Saints Primary Academy and Nursery were invited to see the new village sign being unveiled. The children had, last year, created drawings about Stibbard and these were then incorporated into the final design. The Parish Council had worked closely with the children and school including them in the various stages of the design process.
The sign was made by local blacksmith artist, Toby Winterbourn, together with several parishioners he created a wonderful piece of work to be seen by many.
The local MP for North Norfolk, Steff Aquarone gave a speech and did the countdown to the unveiling. Four of our local children from the village were invited to do the honours of revealing the sign.
Afterwards we all walked back to school, the parents and parishioners in the community were invited to an afternoon tea party in the school hall, it was lovely to see so many people supporting. Thank you.
The friends of the school made so many delicious cakes, we are really grateful for their commitment and baking skills to make this such a successful event. They raised approximately £150. The children received cakes funded by the Parish Council.
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